On September 29, 2016, The Monson Law Firm obtained a signed Consent Judgment against Nader Anthony Odeh in favor of its clients Dale Velez and The Velez Corporation. Specifically, Nader Anthony Odeh is subject to a court order preventing him from coming within 50 feet of Mr. Velez or any of the employees of The Velez Corporation. In a Verified Petition filed by The Monson Law Firm on June 16, 2016, Nader Anthony Odeh is accused of verbally and physically threatening Mr. Velez as well as grabbing contents delivery paperwork and shoving it down his pants! In response to the Verified Petition, Nader Anthony Odeh voluntarily agreed to the restraining order and signing the Consent Judgment to avoid going to trial. Please click to see the Verified Petition, Consent Judgment and photos of the Delivery Documents!