Archive | December, 2015
Merry Christmas from The Monson Law Firm!
Secret Santa Project
The Monson Law Firm teamed up with the Louisiana State Bar Association/Louisiana Bar Foundation’s Community Action Committee to participate in the 2015 Secret Santa Project. We want to thank our generous attorneys for helping to brighten the holidays for children and families in need this Christmas! Pictured are Rachel Flarity, Janna Underhill, Donald Latuso, Sarah Barro and Laura Abel. Click here to view pictures!
YIPs Holiday at the Races
The Monson Law Firm attended the Young Insurance Professionals Annual “Holiday at the Races” in New Orleans. We would like to thank Noel Bunol with National General Insurance for teaching a 3 hour continuing education course on the topic of Flood Facts and Program Updates for Louisiana. Pictured are Jennifer Engle, with MDD Forensic Accountants, Ann’Lee Earles, CPIA and Allison Salter with Guarantee Service Team of Professionals. Click here to view pictures!
Risk Management Society’s Christmas Luncheon
The Monson Law Firm attended the Risk Management Society’s Christmas Luncheon at Commander’s Palace in New Orleans. Donations were given to the Second Harvest Food Bank, St. Michael’s Special School, Boys Hope/Girls Hope, Hope Stone NOLA, ULL Risk Management Program and Easter Seals Disability Services for a grand total of $6,000! RIMS also collected socks for the Center of Jesus the Lord Homeless Ministry Sock Drive. Pictured are Ann’Lee Earles, CPIA, Stephen Trauth with U.S. Health and Environmental Liability Management, LLC, Susan Piasant with LWCC, Coco Bendernagel with Younger and Associates and Carol Osborne with Jefferson Neurobehavioral Group. Click here to view pictures!
PIA of New Orleans Annual Installation and Christmas Banquet
The Monson Law Firm attended the New Orleans Chapter of Professional Insurance Agents Annual Installation and Christmas Banquet at the New Orleans Country Club. Congratulations to Alicia Stanely who was sworn in as the 2016 President. Alicia is the first national carrier representative in the history of this chapter to be elected president and she is the first Markel FirstComp employee to hold the title of president for a major insurance association. We would also like to congratulate all the newly installed 2016 officers and directors! Pictured are Chad and Alicia Stanley, Ann’Lee Earles and Graham Inman, Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance, Jim Donelon, Matthew and Kathy Monson. Click here to view pictures!
New Orleans Claims Association’s Christmas Luncheon
The Monson Law Firm attended the New Orleans Claims Association’s Annual Ugly Sweater Christmas luncheon at the Bourbon House in New Orleans. We enjoyed singing, jingling, and mingling with our fellow NOCA members! Pictured are Ann’Lee Earles, CPIA, Zack Klein, Matt Edwards, and Allison Salter with Guarantee Service Team of Professionals, Matthew Monson, Esq. and Randy Jackson with Abercrombie, Simmons & Gillette, Inc. Click here to view pictures!
TIPGNO Christmas Celebration Sponsored by The Monson Law Firm!
The Monson Law Firm sponsored The Insurance Professionals of Greater New Orleans Annual Christmas Celebration at Southport Hall. We enjoyed participating in the ugly sweater contest and hearing music by The Top Cats. Thank you to everyone who brought a canned good donation for the Second Harvest Food Bank Drive! Pictured are Ann’Lee Earles, CPIA, Wayne Forest with Forest Insurance Facilities, Mary Katherine Brown with Brown Claims Management Group, Michael Orlando with Emergency Restoration, Inc. , Nanette Giraud with Giraud Insurance Agency, Matthew Monson, Esq. and Brittany Davis Stoudt with Emergency Restoration, Inc. Click here to view pictures!
NSCA Christmas Party
The Christmas Season is fully underway for the North Shore Claims Association. At today’s Christmas party we dressed as our favorite holiday movie characters. Congrats to Olaf (Matthew Monson) for winning the award of Worst Dressed! Pictured are Matthew Edwards with Stop Guarantee, Scott Scariano with Leonard C. Quick & Associates, Ruth Damare with the NSCA, Mark Aronson with ERS, Allison Salter with Stop Guarantee, Luke Bowman with Young & Associates, Tabitha Ely with ERS, Matthew Monson, Esq. (Olaf) and Ann’Lee Earles, CPIA (Elsa) with The Monson Law Firm, and Randy Jackson with Abercrombie, Simmons & Gillette. Click to view pictures!
Northshore Chapter of Professional Insurance Agent’s
The Monson Law Firm attended the Northshore Chapter of Professional Insurance Agent’s Christmas Luncheon at Keith Young’s Steakhouse in Madisonville. We would like to congratulate all the newly elected officers for the upcoming year! Pictured are Ann’Lee Earles, CPIA, Jodi Williams with the Louisiana Restaurant Association, Albert Pappalardo, Jr., Outgoing President of the Northshore PIA and Matthew Monson, Esq. Click here to view pictures!